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Who "shepherds" the shepherd? I do, with the help of faithful prayer and financial partners like you!
The need is tremendous:
1,500-1,700 pastors leave the ministry every month.
50% of pastors will last less than 5 years in ministry.
83% of pastors' spouses want them to leave the ministry.
70% of pastors do not have a close friend.
27% of pastors have no one to turn to in a crisis.

Would you consider partnering with me, much like the Philippian church did with Paul, to provide prayer, encouragement, and financial support?
How can you PARTNER with me? I'm praying for:
40 plus prayer warriors who will cry out to God for pastors/ministry leaders.
20 financial partners who are willing to give $100-$300 per month.
5-10 financial partners who are able to give $25-$50 per month.
5 or more who can give a one-time or annual gift.
By CHECK made out to STANDING STONE MINISTRY, with "Ray Johnson" in the memo line. Mail to:
Standing Stone Ministry
2340 S. El Camino Real, Suite 3
San Clemente, CA 92672
ONLINE by scanning QR code or clicking HERE

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